Power Evangelist “Connie Kesner”

Connie Kesner was saved at 6 y/o, baptized with the Holy Spirit at 14 y/o, and heard the Call to preach the Gospel to the nations at 40 y/o on her 1st mission trip to the Dominican Republic.
Apostle Connie Kesner preaches with fire, passion and a deep love for seeing others get saved, delivered, set free, and their walk with God deepened. Connie travels to the nations and has witnessed incredible miracles. She’s been in 15 different nations preaching & ministering with great power & authority.  

Facebook says a “Private Event” It is Not — any and all are always welcome to show up. Note: We do not have child care available, sorry.

[email protected]

Because, we are seated with Christ Jesus. We believe there is no need for any Donations that come from this earthly realm.