The M.E. (Missionary Educator) … What you May have been taught, might not be very accurate at all.
The 4 fundamental and vital aspects that should exist in any education system, has since been lost/destroyed to the strange requirements of the Egyptian/Mercuric secular education system around today it seems. And these lost or destroyed aspects, are as follows: #1 That the Belief in God, should always be “Constitutionally Allowed” as an Option, #2 That there is the existence, a real “Universal Truth”, #3 That there is also, a need for a real “Universal Morality”, and #4 That you must learn to be a Critical Thinker in order to “separate the real truth from what is not.” Note: … since I consider myself a Missionary Educator, you should use some Critical Thinking right now! And know before you read any further, that the fact is, I have a pre-existing natural bias to think in favorably toward the Missionary Educator. (So being a Critical Thinker, means that you already perceive this, and you should think and assume that some of my personal opinions are probably being presented and intertwined in this post). This is what Missionary Educators actually teach, … that having a belief in God is a Justifiable and Viable Option and that this knowledge should be presented and not removed from the our current education system. Also, that that an existing Universal Truth can be taught and understood. This happens when God is included in ones self chosen perspective, that a Universal Morality can exist, when there is teaching about God present. Why? Simple, we learn about God’s Laws. For ex: “Thou shalt not kill”. And that you must do your own research, so you can fully grasp that a real truth does exist, as you develop your own perspective. … critical thinking means, looking at all that is presented and discovering something to be true, for yourself! SO, DO THE RESEARCH YOURSELF, for this, I have added truth links, so you can critically think for yourself! …..
To begin, a very long time ago, I personally believe: or, “it is of my own opinion”, (this is sort of an older perspective), that at least three groups of educators could be found to exist. The first, a Jewish educator, often called a Rabbi (Teacher) – they would teach, who God is and the Torah, and this was a paramount instruction within the Jewish culture. Now, the second, was a non-Jewish teacher called a Mago, usually, this was a foreigner, the plural form is Magi (or Wise Men) they represented, the Scientists, the true Mathematician, the true Chemist, the Physicist, and “Yes” even the familiar Astronomers that followed the Biblical Star, to bring the Christ child gifts. Most remember them as the 3 wise men of the Christmas story, and apparently some Magi, knew of the existence of (an All-Powerful God) – but, not in the same personal way that we understand that we can know God today. But wait, then there was this weird third group, sort of a sketchy charlatan bunch, the Pharmako, the plural is Pharmaki, (Potion/peddlers, Sorcerers, even the modern word … {Pharmacist, comes from this old word}) – (And they loved, instead of God, a paetron diety of merchants, travelers, and the mercado or market. Sometimes they even concocted things like poison… wether it be harmful or helpful, it fetched a nice little purse full of money for them), these folks dabbled in Alchemy (a pseudo-Chemistry), for wealth, they tried to turn base metals into gold, had people drink liquid Mercury (hint!) and other dangerous concoctions, followed astrology, tried to speak to the dead, made predictions, told fortunes, and often used schemes and false claims/promises about their crazy spiritualism, fortune telling, snake oils, salves, and tinctures. A famous Magi once made history, in disproving this nonsense. Truth Research Link just for you: ( Now these false claims had a purpose, they only tricked the unsuspecting and the uneducated people into following a bunch of nonsense! You need to understand that, the Pharmako, needed repeat customers in-order to line their pockets with coin. They apparently adopted this paetron-diety. Who is known, as the paetron-diety of the Liar, Biblical Truth Research Link: the Traveler diety, and the god of the market place. Biblical Truth Research Link: The protector of all merchants and traveling merchants, and also was known as the god of Egyptian magik. Truth Research Link: He has but one name! (hint critical think!). These folks only aspired to fill their pockets. Not to help people. And they strongly loved the, …. money and notoriety. Truth Research Link: (Acts 8: 9-25) again DO THE RESEARCH. The Pharmaci is a strange group of folk, and they are still around, as are the others, like the wise men..
So, who are the Missionary Educators? Well, as Christianity spread far and wide, the real wise men began to study scripture, somewhat like the Rabbi, but not just the Torah. But, also they studied the whole Biblical Text. Examples: Renee Descartes (Critical thinking at its’ best, The Scientific Method), Isaac Newton (Physics/Mathematician), Johannes Kepler (Astronomer), Michael Faraday (Chemist), John Maxwell (Electromagnetism) the list is pretty exhaustive. They studied the Scripture in depth, and also Science. And they all believed that Science – is a vital part of God’s Universe. Therefore, they taught to all, about everything that they knew about both Science and God. And how they intersect each and glorify God. That is what the Missionary Educators did… would do! Granted, some listened to Govt. entities and were led into making poor choices. But, it was for their love of God over human knowledge, for this reason, they were hated by the Pharmaki (Now known as one who is the “Human Philosopher Educator”, they focus on human achievement, not God’s authority). Pharmaki now, they can only tell lies, about how the evil Missionary Educators stand against human achievement. Why? … Because, in their eyes, why should God receive any glory? they don’t believe in God! They only claim the Missionary Educators are hurting society. Hurting culture, with silly truths, silly God beliefs, silly God based morality, and even “wise man” archaic structured family value nonsense. Why the Pharmaki even champion opposition to any morality through selling sketchy progressive practices. Like euthanasia for the elderly and special needs! they teach abortion or (killing babies) as a freedom, instead of a selfish act based on “Escape”! They teach kids that girls can be boys, boys can be girls; why even the atheist geneticist, Richard Dawkins, does not believe this nonsense! Truth Research Link: It goes against both Science and Critical Thinking! Yet, all the while they, the Pharmaki, pour this junk down the throats of kids in “State run Public Schools of Thought“. With the same old familiar style of peddling, a poisonous concoction, … not from God, … but dreamed up, in the minds of a human, mostly originating from numerous human Greek/French and other Philosophies, and this is only the start up, for they will eventually teach kids more ridiculous things, they have been doing so for quite a while, to us and our children! Examples: Auguste Comte (Science is god/positivism) Research the truth Link:, T.B. Wakeman believed (Man is god/Wakeman even re-wrote his own version of the Lords Prayer … not to God … but, to man/human beings/himself) Research the truth Link: (,
Pythagorus (was a very smart mathematician, and a decent astronomer but he believed – that there was, a great math god…???, he even burned offerings to this … math god, he formed the first mega church, and this was its form – you are either in/or you out, of our our club. This is where the words esoteric and the exoteric, came from. It simply means, you are in the club or out of the club due to some secret knowledge, this is a gnostic philosophical idea. Gnosis: says you are saved by “only your knowledge”. And then, when Pythagorus’ ego was challenged, Pythagorus’ challenger Hippatsus, guess what? … Dunt, Dunt, Daaaaaa! … well he met with a nasty accident. (Hmmm… guess Pythagorus just couldn’t share the notoriety/fame?) Truth Research Link: . Why don’t they teach all the facts in school? Because, then kids might start “critically thinking“, about doing right vs. wrong, and considering morality, etc. And there are others? Let’s talk more about moral values, look at what George Bernard Shaw championed, (to kill the un-needed people in the world and the un-productive, this was his crazy philosophy). Do you want your children taught this junk? … I don’t! ….. Nor does any other missionary educator! Jesus warned us of this! Biblical Truth Research Link: Why, in only 125 years after Jesus Death on the Cross; the martyr Irenaeus of Lyons, warned us of the rising opposition to God’s authority, by the humanistic claims of Greek Philosophy in “Against Heresies” about all much of this twisted stuff. Truth Research Link: