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Posts of the Spirit Leading

  • Game Updates

    Update on our “Number Posse Roundup” game. We are now 85% complete with our western Artwork, and are 50% complete with our Vectorization work. Planning on 6-7 weeks to approx. first printing.

  • KB Video 001

    Healing – – Are you making Boundaries, … or Walls? https://youtu.be/fdpHUvppe30?si=BZD0501uk4U0rBIn

  • Mark and Karen

    I accepted Christ when I was fairly young. I do remember the moment. I was in the 7th grade at a Mike Warnke, (Christian comedic, evangelist event). Then, at approx. 12-13 years of age, I was mentored in the art of story telling, object lessons, and in performing Gospel Magic from a very kind hearted…

  • Number Posse Roundup

    Info for Parents, Home School Teachers, Class Room Teachers, and Missionary Educators. Imagine taking the concept of “Flash cards” and modifying them into a playable game form. This is a Pre-Pre-Pre Algebra game with young players in mind. This is a “Western style Game, with Cowboys, Indians, and Bank robbing bandits! Just like playing Cops…

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Because, we are seated with Christ Jesus. We believe there is no need for any Donations that come from this earthly realm.